Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dear Jameson...

Dear Jameson,

You are simply amazing. You are hilarious and smart. You are rocking out at school with your knowledge and social skills. You've never met a stranger and love everyone. Open House at school went wonderfully and your teacher is so proud of you, as am I. You can read lots of words and some books. You were the only person in your class that knew all of their letters and how to read when you started kindergarten. I can't believe how grown up you are. It seems like just yesterday that you were lying in my arms and making those sweet sounds that your brother makes now. Although you are such a big boy, I sure do love when you occasionally show me that you still need me, like when you don't feel well or when you get hurt or when you have a bad dream. Those are special times for just us and I savor every second of them, I hope you know. You are simply amazing and I am more proud of you every day, sweet boy. I love you so much and you will always be my baby!


Friday, October 19, 2012

Dear Lawton...

Dear Lawton,

As you lie next to me in bed, I can see your chest rise and fall. I can hear your faint sighs and mumbles. I can smell your sweet breath. You are wonderful. Perfection. Edible deliciousness. I love you so much and treasure each day I have with you. You are almost 11 months old and will be walking and talking soon. Our nursing relationship will come to an end relatively soon. I never thought I'd say this, but I totally wouldn't mind nursing you extensively. You make the sweetest sounds as you eat and prefer milk over food any day of the week. You are so attached to me and I love that you are. I love when you wake up in the morning, I love our afternoons, I love evenings and bath times and bedtimes and even middle of the night wake ups (sometimes). That middle of the night time is just ours. I can focus on you with no other distractions. You can nurse and look in my eyes and make your sweet sounds in the comfort of the night. I wish that I could bottle up those sounds and your smell and keep them forever. You will be one year old in a little more than a month and I guess you won't exactly be my baby anymore, but you will truly always be my baby. I love you more than the sun and the stars, sweet boy.
